Everyone knows that the Lakers were supposed to become the dominating team this season, but they have not played to their full potential yet this year.  They have all the tools they need to be league champions, with No. 1 center Dwight Howard, Kobe Bryant dominating scoring abilities, Pau Gasol defensive skill, and the veteran Steve Nash.  The Lakers line up is filled with so much talent, but why haven't they been winning any games?  Well, recently on Friday night’s game, the Los Angeles Lakers finally showed up to play.

The Lakers took the floor against the Utah Jazz on January 25th.  Right from the beginning the Los Angeles Lakers looked like the team that everyone has been expecting this season.  Starting off with the lead in the first 8 minutes and having 2 big dunks by Dwight Howard that would keep momentum towards the Lakers kept the tempo moving towards a good win.  Not only did Dwight Howard come through making both big offensive and defensive plays throughout the game, but so did the rest of the line-up.  It seemed as if the Lakers finally found a new grove and started playing together.

Kobe not only helped with scoring but also had 14 assists which is one shy of breaking his record of 15 in a game.  Dwight Howard dominated rebounds and put backs with 17 points and 13 rebounds.  Steve Nash had a great offensive, usually known for his assists, took the scoring into his own hands this game and ended with 15 points.  Another stand out was Metta World Peace by hitting big 3 point shots, ending with 17. 

All of the scoring was spread out through the team.  When these big name athletes all play together it’s hard for them to not try to take over the game by themselves because that is what they have been used to doing from their previous teams.  But once they learn that they all have something they can contribute to the team and work together, wins will come.  Let's hope they continue this new look on Sunday's game against the No. 1 team Western Conference team, Oklahoma City.  The Lakers will have to work together in order for them to continue this winning momentum.  Defeating the Thunder would kick start the Lakers into a chance of competing in the playoffs.

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