Sport writing for marketing and promotions has taught me a lot about the marketing world and has helped me understand promotions.  I have not taken a marketing class in about 2 years; but I have learned that marketing your product is a big part of the sport industry.  In order to market your product you have to evaluate, describe, and develop information about your product and know your goals of where you want this product to be in the future.  Get to know your target market and understand what they want instead of what you want. 

I think I learned the most about the promotional side of sport.  Being able to promote your product to your target market is the key to getting fans or customers attracted to your product.  Sports promotions have to be short and sweet and something that will catch the customer’s eye.  Writing about all of the different sports organizations and ways they have promoted their company or product has been very interesting to learn about.  Being creative and innovative with promotions will set you apart from other companies or organizations.  

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