Free hats and autograph days have been known to attract more fans for games that teams know won’t sell well for the stadium.  Considering you will always have your die-hard MLB fans that are season ticket holders, how else do you draw more fans to games? 

Some ways to attract more college and older fans to games would be cheap draft beer days.  $2 draft beer will attract a lot of college students looking for good entertainment and cheap drinks. 

For a more family filled crowd, a stadium could promote $2 hotdog sales.  This will draw in families with more than 2 kids because it will be cheaper to accommodate the children’s needs of food and drinks at the game, while also entertaining the parents with the baseball game.

A good way that will get people’s attention to go to the stadium is having events set up outside of the stadium.  Having sponsors set up events like a pre-game barbeque in the parking lot or fun games like corn hole tournaments will give fans another incentive to come to the game.

Technology can also help bring in fans.  Having promotions or free giveaways on the teams Facebook page will entice them to join in on game day activities.  Post contests of giveaway tickets, 50% off tickets, free t-shirts, behind the plate seats, first pitch specials, signed jerseys, etc.

All of these promotions are means to sell out seats.  Fans are looking for more than just the game to go to; most want to make a day out of the event.  By giving fans opportunities and choices to be involved in or if possible, make it cheaper, then they will gain more fans. 

Getting the fans there is one thing, but I thing another big part of filling the seats is keeping the fans happy while they are at the game and making sure they enjoy their time so they want to come back again and again.  I think creating a loyalty program will entice fans to want to come to more games during the regular season if they have incentives to keep coming such as; free food and beverage, free autographed t-shirts or meeting players. 

  • Social networking is becoming a popular topic for marketing. Players and teams are using different ways to attract fans to their social media accounts in multiple ways.  The teams and players understand that their fans and followers have a short attention span and have many other things going on while they are also looking at their social media networks.  The key that players and teams are trying to do is be at the top of their important list; this is an importance list that audiences have:

    1.       Un-miss-able. Everything you create must be given attention.
    2.       Important. Relevant and important, but can be set aside to be looked at later (and             potentially forgotten).
    3.       Relevant. The content is useful, and relevant, but it’s not important enough to take priority.
    4.       Mildly interesting. Seems interesting, but there’s too much incoming to pay any attention.
    5.       Noise. Considered spam or is completely irrelevant. Might as well be invisible.
    Players want to create true fans (life-long fans) and want to give their fans something to be a part of. Players are showing that they care about their fans by creating memorable experiences for their fans.  Some ways they can do this is:

  • 1.       Create a short, personalized thank-you video for repeat customers.
    2.       Spend time at an event personally shaking each person’s hand.
    3.       Create an unexpected bonus entertainment clips.
    4.       Answer as many tweets or comments as possible.
    5.       Reward the fans with personal fan gear, make it personalized and special.